As I was gathering up my meanders this morning, I came across
a little shop called
AsBoldAsLions (fantastic name!) from Palestine, TX.
There is something so fantastic about a town in TX being named Palestine, for me.
I guess, I have some preconceived notions about Texas that its good to see shifted.
It's invigorating when personal ideas get shifted.
Don't you think?
Don't you think?
(once in while, I mean, let's be real. I don't like it all the time - some of you
have actually MET me! LOL)
once in while
Having a little eyelid raised on silly ideas I have that I don't question is a GREAT Thing.
I love that here has been this town, around for hundreds of years,
probably; if not hundreds, at least it's been around
way longer than my silly little notion has been, showing me just how silly my notion is!
today ;)
I know that some places have been getting sunshine and feeling a little thaw in the air this last week.
Spring's not far off.
Spring is a great time for shifts: natural and personal.
And since the natural ones just happen, these grey days of winter,
are the perfect time to coddle yourself and dream, and
look forward to the spring equinox as a time to form new habits.
Good time to consider new growth.
And a great time to be As Bold As Lions!
Have a great day!